Hi everybody!!!

Hello!!Our group's name is "Smile with our English Project" and it's formed by:
-Isabel Advani.
-Sara Gil.
-Fabiola Mesa.
-Julia Fernández.
-Viviana Gigena.

We hope you enjoy our entries, comments and project.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012


Hello everyone!!

Now, we are going to speak to you about our new project.
At this time, we must do some pages for a magazine. It is very funny!
Fabiola Mesa and Julia Fernández are going to speak about CADALSO IN CONCERT.

Vivi Gigena and Sara Gil are going to speak about the change of 4º to 1ºBTO.
Finally, Isabel Advani is going to speak about the travel to Sierra Nevada.

Well, it is all! I hope you like it!

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